call for entries

Communication Arts has put out the call for entries in their annual photography and illustration competition. you know, the one that's the most prestigious illustration competition in the world. yeah, that. i'm thinking about entering, and looking back over my body of work from the last 12 months.

...that was a good laugh.

the deadline's march 13. i've got roughly a month to come up with something suitable.


on that same topic, in order to not suck nearly as much as i do now, i'm going to be spending my alternative days off going down to Studio 2nd Street and working on my drawing skills. the places i'm currently spending my energy are all good places, but there're just too many of them (improving my painting skills, improving my drawing skills, karate 3x a week, meditation class once every 2 weeks, studying for the CCNA, improving my photography skills, paid freelance work, and working on building my portfolio... and then of course, my real job). i've got to cut something out besides sleep, but i don't know what, exactly. the problem with self-improvement on so many different fronts is that it's extremely slow progress on each front you attempt.